
Punti di interesse del Parco

Gateway to the Park

Originally open to the public street, it was not until 1921 that the park was equipped with a simple metal gate at the entrance, which was demolished in September 1943 when a German army unit entered the park with heavy motor vehicles to occupy the building. 

The following year, the German councillor for the province of Gorizia, Gerhard Österreicher, signed a contract for the lease of the palace and park with Francesco Coronini, having taken over the property from his father Carlo, who had died that same year. Article 3 specified that “the lessee is permitted to make improvements and, where appropriate, additions to the leased property at his own expense”. 

In fact, it was during the time of the German occupation that a stone gate taken from the ruins of the Attems Petzenstein villa in Piedimonte, destroyed during the Great War, was placed at the entrance to the park to replace the demolished gate.

Central Avenue