There are many ways in which individuals, organisations and companies can contribute to supporting the work of the Palazzo Coronini, including in some cases benefiting from significant tax incentives.
Here are all the channels that will enable you to give us a helping hand:
For those who support culture and heritage appreciation, the Art bonus provides a tax deduction of up to 65% of the donated amount and a special mention on our website and dedicated platform.
Allocating the “5 per thousand” (0.5% taken from your annual personal income tax) to the Palazzo Coronini Cronberg Non-profit Foundation costs nothing, because it is a percentage that the State donates to non-profit organisations.
This choice is not an alternative to the “8 per thousand” destined to the various religious organisations or to the state, but both choices can be expressed without any additional tax burden. Donating the “5 per thousand” to the Palazzo Coronini Cronberg Non-profit Foundation is very simple. Whoever is required to submit a form 730 or Unified Tax Return must enter the organisation's tax code
In the box Support for voluntary work, non-profit organisation of public interest, social welfare bodies, associations and foundations, then sign as shown below.
The contributions received will enable the Foundation to continue the work of restoring and enhancing the heritage left by Count Guglielmo Coronini Cronberg.