
The Palace

Francesco's Room

The bedroom decorated with a beautiful majolica stove in neoclassical style belonged to Francesco Coronini Cronberg, Count Guglielmo's older brother. Born in 1899, affectionately called “wuxi” (foxy), passionate about hunting and fishing, a globetrotter and with a soft spot for women, he was definitely the viveur of the Coronini family. 

Testifying to his elegance and care in dressing is one of his many dinner jackets. The early 19th-century boat bed is surmounted by a strip of silk and gold upholstery, on which hangs a delicate Virgin Mary, a pastel on paper by the famous Venetian painter Rosalba Carriera (1675-1757). 

By the side of the bed, on the Milanese dresser from the late 17th century, rest a series of photos showing Francesco and Guglielmo's mother, Olga Westphalen Fürstenberg, at a dance recital, and an ivory binocular, which belonged to her uncle, the vice-admiral of the Imperial Royal Austrian Navy, Count Oscar Cassini. 

The painting on the left, next to the eighteenth-century wardrobe, veneered with birch briar, depicts Carlo Coronini Cronberg on horseback in front of the palace loggia. On the other side of the door, above a small chest of drawers that also functions as a kneeler thanks to the removable step, a Miracle of St. Vincent Ferreri is displayed, a preparatory sketch by the Veronese painter Giambettino Cignaroli (1706-1770) for the altarpiece in Ferrara Cathedral. 

Between the two windows above the Teresian-era bureau-trumeau, one can admire a beautiful Annunciation, dated 1581, by the Bolognese painter Prospero Fontana (1512-1597). On the next wall, on either side of a door, are two twin tables with green marble tops, above which are two large canvases with architectural capriccios that can be traced back to the ambit of Viviano Codazzi (1604-1670).