
Punti di interesse del Parco

Irrigation Well Pump

The execution of the irrigation system that was to ensure the water needs of the entire park was entrusted to the Viennese firm of engineer G. Rumpel. Rumpel completed the work on 12 May 1913. 

As shown by the blueprints from the restoration project commissioned by the Coronini family in 1960 to the firm Bruno Arman, the irrigation system was able to reach all the main areas of the park via a network of manholes and hydrants. 

The system was driven by a pump with an electric motor that sent water through a cast-iron pipe to the tank hidden under Tempietto hill. 

According to engineer Rumpel's plans, the pump, located in the lower area close to the old Corno stream bed, was housed inside a semi-subterranean chamber above a well built of reinforced concrete, which is still partly preserved, with a “skylight of meshed glass and an iron flap door and iron ladder”.   

The well had a depth of 21 metres and it took twelve hours for the water to reach its “normal state”, i.e. a level of 8 metres. The pump which was damaged and rendered useless during the Great War was never replaced.

Lower Plateau