
Punti di interesse del Parco

Garden Balustrade

Between 1902 and 1903, an elegant “Vallone” stone balustrade with 16 turned columns and four pyramid-shaped pinnacles was built on the edge of the large flat area on the west side of the palace that had been laid out as a lawn. It offered a new, scenic viewpoint over the lower part of the park, where the so-called “rock garden” had been set up in previous years. 

Damaged during the First World War, stripped of its pinnacles and shortened by a third, it was only renovated after the 1950s on the initiative of Guglielmo Coronini, who, as some drawings show, had envisaged a monumental solution with the inclusion of some of Orazio Marinali's statues. 

In the end, the count opted instead for a simple stone wall with battlements, a decision probably motivated by nostalgia as the reference to the similar structure in the park of Cronberg Castle is evident.

Palace Plateau