
Punti di interesse del Parco

Palace Entrance

A project dated 1895 reveals how the Coronini family had intended to renovate the terrace with the four diorite columns above the palace's entrance door, inserting a masonry feature at the front bearing the family coat of arms. 

In the 1898 painting by the Viennese painter Alois Hans Schram, the terrace is still visible, but an assessment made in 1914 states that the four columns “now carry the framework for a pergola”, as confirmed by several photographs from the turn of the century. 

It remains to be clarified whether the old terrace was dismantled in anticipation of the new project, which was then not executed, or whether the pergola was a specific choice with a view to the redevelopment of the park. 

The current arrangement, with the reconstruction of the terrace, probably dates back to the post-World War II period, as suggested by an accurate drawing of the façade by Count Guglielmo. However, the drawing shows a different design from that which was actually implemented.

Central Avenue