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Le opere

Stirrup Cup
Author / production
Sazikov manufacture
Origin / period
St Petersburg, 1851
Material / technique
Cast, chiselled and engraved silver with silver-gilt interior and base
10 x 10 x 12 (cm)
Historical information

A cast chalice that reproduces a dog's head in an extremely realistic manner, thanks to skilful chiselling. 

It is an extraordinary work from the renowned Sazikov atelier, founded in Moscow in 1793 by Pavel Fedorovich Sazikov, who was succeeded in 1830 by his son Ignatij, who opened a branch in St Petersburg in 1842. In 1846, the manufactory received the title of court supplier, which allowed it to place the imperial insignia with the double-headed eagle next to its name.


La particolare tipologia di questo oggetto si ispira, molto probabilmente, agli stirrup cups inglesi, ossia i “bicchieri della staffa” offerti ai cavalieri in procinto di partire per la caccia e tradizionalmente conformati, in una sorta di rito propiziatorio, a sembianza di volpe, cervo, lepre o segugio. Sulla base è incisa in caratteri cirillici la parola “Fedeltà”, seguita dalla data 1° gennaio 1856.

The Bishop’s Room