The extremely extensive collections left by Count Guglielmo Coronini Cronberg include a number of true masterpieces: paintings, sculptures, furniture, jewellery and other precious decorative art objects that testify to the evolution of taste over the past centuries and the refined collecting activities of the Coronini family.
Discover the unique masterpieces that are the pride of our museum!
After a very early career as a painter of miniatures, the Venetian painter Rosalba Carriera (1675-1757) quickly established herself on the European scene with her delicate and elegant pastel portraits that soon made her one of the most influential, famous and sought-after artistic personalities in Europe. Thanks to her, the pastel technique came back into fashion, lending itself with its muted tones to render the leisured grace typical of the Rococo style.
Religious subjects were not particularly prominent in her production. A slightly larger version of the same Virgin Mary is kept in Venice, in one of the rooms of Palazzo Mocenigo.
Il dipinto appartenuto a Mathilde Coronini, che lo aveva ereditato dalla zia materna Pauline de Sampigny, fu lasciato a Carolina Ritter, moglie di Alfredo Coronini, che a sua volta lo destinò alla figlia Carmen. Alla morte di quest’ultima, nel 1968, in mancanza di eredi diretti, tutti i suoi averi, compreso il dipinto di Rosalba Carriera, passarono al nipote Guglielmo Coronini.